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足立 経一(島根大学第2内科)
Nocturnal gastric acid breakthrough during the administration of rabeprazole
and ranitidine in Helicobacter pylori-negative subjects: effects of different regimens
(Journal of Gastroenterology2003; 38: 830-835)
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阿部 雅則(愛媛大学第3内科)
Glycyrrhizin enhances interleukin-10 production by liver dendritic cells
in mice withhepatitis
(Journal of Gastroenterology2003; 38: 962-967)
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井上 和明(昭和大学藤が丘病院消化器内科)
Combined interferon α2b and cyclosporin A in the treatment of chronic hepatitis
C: controlled trial
(Journal of Gastroenterology2003; 38: 567-572)
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江田 証(自治医科大学消化器内科)
Aberrant expression of CDX2 in Barrett's epithelium and inflammatory esophageal mucosa
(Journal of Gastroenterology2003; 38: 014-022)
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小楠 智文(佐賀大学内科)
Endoscopic injection sclerotherapy for esophageal varices in cirrhotic
patients without hepatocellular carcinoma: a comparison of longterm survival
between prophylactic therapy and emergency therapy
(Journal of Gastroenterology2003; 38: 361-364)
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織内 竜生(東北大学消化器病態学)
Clinical course and longterm prognosis of Japanese patients with Crohn's
disease: predictive factors, rates of operation, and mortality
(Journal of Gastroenterology2003; 38: 942-953)
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桑田 絹子(熊本大学第2外科)
Mutational analysis of the pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor gene
in familial and juvenile pancreatitis in Japan
(Journal of Gastroenterology2003; 38: 365-370)
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静間 徹(東京女子医科大学消化器内科)
Molecular analysis of antigenicity and immunogenicity of a vaccine-induced
escape mutant of hepatitis B virus
(Journal of Gastroenterology2003; 38: 244-253)
馬場 重樹(滋賀医科大学消化器内科)
Matrix metalloproteinase-3 secretion from human colonic subepithelial myofibroblasts:
role of interleukin-17
(Journal of Gastroenterology2003; 38: 548-554)